Wingman [Woman] Page 9


“Stop it.”


He moves his hips again, this time his hand slides around me, pressing against my back to crush me further into him.

“This is unprofessional,” I cry, in my poor attempt to protest. “And it’s like...sexual assault.”

He chuckles. “It’s only sexual assault if you don’t like it.”

“You’re a jackass!”

He jerks his hips again, his hard, thick cock rubbing right where it needs to. I bite my lip. I won’t moan. I won’t.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it won’t work. I don’t even like you.”

“Then it won’t matter if I keep doing it,” he says and I can hear the devilish grin behind his words.

“You’ll pay for this.”

“It won’t matter, it will give me great satisfaction. Don’t pretend you don’t like it, your pussy is all hot and bothered against me.”

“How the hell would you know that?” I argue, pressing my hand against the door beside me.

“I can feel it around my dick, even through my pants.”

Oh boy.

“Nice little cunt, Tia.”

“You’re a pig.”

“Mmmmm,” he murmurs. “Revenge is so damned sweet.”

He moves his cock again, using his hand to keep me from taking a step back. Not that there’s anywhere to go. I close my eyes, if I will it away, maybe it won’t feel so damned good. Because it does, it feels good. So fucking good. He keeps rocking his hips and in the small, confined space I can hear his breathing becoming ragged. I can feel the puffs of warm air against my cheek.

Shit. My nipples just got hard.

Code red. Code red.

“Help!” I try to yell out, but it comes out as a pathetic squeak.

“Good try, babe. That effort was incredible.”

I close my eyes and grumble, because if I speak, he’ll hear the lust in my voice. God, I want him to stop, but at the same time I don’t. I really...really don’t. He feels super good, I mean like...damn. He uses his hips to make sure his cock is riding me, rubbing my clit through my dress. I close my eyes; biting my lip so hard I taste blood.

“It will give me great satisfaction to hear you come, little Tia.”

I want to spit a curse at him, but I too am now breathing ragged, my body wound up and desperate for release.

“How much more do I need to rub your pussy for that to happen?”

“Fuck you,” I hiss.

“You’re not that lucky.”


His fingers pinch into my ass as he uses it for his own benefit, grinding my body against his, creating even more friction. Sweat trickles down my forehead as my pussy gets tighter and tighter, the throbbing is out of this world. I close my eyes, deciding he’s not going to stop so I might as well take it. I let my head fall back as he thrusts against me.

Oh god, yes. So close.

“Not even a moan for my benefit?” he rasps, unable to hide his own arousal with sarcasm.

I clench my jaw, holding my breath, trying to do anything but come. It’s impossible though, with one last thrust of his wicked cock, I come against him. My breath comes out in a whoosh and with it a long, ragged moan. Reign grunts, I don’t know if it’s in amusement or perhaps even pleasure? When my body stops shaking and my senses come back, I realize that I just came...without him even really touching me.

Oh man.

“That was hot,” he dares to say after a few minutes.

“If you ever...even so much as speak about that...I’ll nut you.”

He chuckles against me. “Speak about what? That you were so fuckin’ horny I just rubbed my cock against you and you were coming in mere minutes.”

I say nothing, because I can feel a flush rising to my cheeks. Shit. He got me good, the bastard.

“We’re even now, then.”

He wraps an arm around me. “Maybe.”

Before I can answer, the closet door swings open and a janitor stares at us in confusion. Then he recognizes Reign and straightens. “Sir, I didn’t realize you were using the closet. Forgive me.”

I snort and step out, knowing I probably look like Reign just fucked me.

“We got stuck. Thank you, Pete.” Reign says, nodding to the man.

I rush off down the hall, not daring to look at him.

“Can’t even look at me?” he says from behind me.

“You owe me dinner now, Reign Braxton.”

“That I can do.”

I can’t wipe the smile from my face.

That’s one for Reign.


Ohh, the smell of Italian food and red wine. It’s so good. My stomach grumbles as Reign and I take a seat outside, under a gorgeous big umbrella that has been professionally placed to give the restaurant edge. Reign has a newspaper tucked under his arm and a waiter follows closely behind him with our wine.

We sit down and I smile at the waiter politely as he pours the wine. Reign nods at him and when he’s gone, I dare to look over the table to the man I want to beat. With a blunt instrument. He gives me a cocky smile and I shoot him a glare. With a chuckle, he shoves the newspaper towards me.

“I don’t want that.”

He nods to it, “Look on the second page.”

Curious, I take it off him and flip it open to the second page. I see a picture of him with...twenty or so women. A huge smile breaks out across my face as I realize this must have been taken the night I sent all those women after him. Then I read the article and it clicks.